Well its been a busy few weeks, my daughter turned 5!, so we have had parties, family stay, kids friends stay, plus orders to be filled and all the boring stuff like housework to be done.
To celebrate my daughter going to school I am having a sale in the shop and there are a few things listed on Trade Me, I have also set up a shop on the Facebook page with a few ramdon things. Like these 2

Cute Aye!!!,
Well full steam ahead from now, I have plenty of ideas add to the range of toys and am going to change a few of the designs, well give them a bit of a tweak.
My hubby is moving out of the office, YAY, he is self employed and shares a business with a friend, they are setting up a shop, so that is exciting. I also had a fantastic time at a new fabric market over the weekend, I decided to sell off some pieces that I have had for ages, getting rid of some STUFF will make room for more STUFF. I will attend the next market as a customer. One lady was selling fabric that she has had for forty years!!!! Craftmad is on again this weekend, I am looking forward to that and am starting to see regulars now, the name Snuggleb is getting out there and I am getting some fantastic feedback, which is really encouraging.
Well time for some lunch, the day is getting away on me again, I am finding now that I don't have the kids at home, I can stay and chat to people alot more, rather than having to rush home for kindy dropoff!!!
Till next time, hopefully sooner rather that later........