I'm all sewn out, am finding it hard to get motivated to get to my machine at the moment, so have decided to have a bit of a rest, well for couple of days anyway. I decided one night that I needed some T shirts so they are waiting to be sewn up, plus there are some softies that need their bottoms sewn up as well, I go through spits and starts, I will have heaps of stuff cut out, I mean heaps of stuff and then I'm all cut out, give me a few days and I can't leave the machine alone!!!!! it works well for me, I have a habit starting something and then decide to start something else, oh well they all get finished in the end. This year has been a great year for me on the softies side and I am excited about the new year, I will be able to spend more time at the machine from April, that's when my daughter goes to school and have a few new toys (yes more) in the pipeline, plus I want to expand on my tag snuggly and blankets.
My son had his last day of school today, so the school holidays have officially started, my daughter is at kindy till next week, hopefully we will see some warmer weather and sunshine soon, it has been a bit chilly in Hamilton, I hope you have a great christmas......
finished sweaters + winter skies
1 year ago